Vigil held for Palestinians killed in Gaza 2 years ago | 89.3 KPCC

Jan. 21, 2011 | Quyen Lovrich | KPCC
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WEST LOS ANGELES – Holding banners, one reading “Stop the US and Israeli war on the Palestinian people,” about 30 people held a demonstration and candlelight vigil Friday, calling for an end to attacks on Gaza and to support Palestinian people in the region.

“I would love to see our country stop giving aid to Israel because they don’t adhere to international law and human rights,” Amani Barakat, 42, of Moorpark, said at the event held on the corner of Veteran Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard.

“It’s a crime what’s happening there. It needs to be stopped,” said Mazen Almoukdad, 52, of Anaheim.

The vigil was held to mark the second anniversary of an attack by Israel on Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip between Dec. 27, 2008 and Jan. 18, 2009.

Organizers of the event, which included the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, claim that some 1,417 Palestinians were killed, including 352 children, and 5,300 wounded.

Israel launched its war on Dec. 27 in an effort to stop militant rocket fire from Gaza that terrorized hundreds of thousands of Israelis.

Vigil held for Palestinians killed in Gaza 2 years ago | 89.3 KPCC.

Gaza 4 Tunis | Rally in Solidarity with the Tunesian People

A Palestinian holds a poster with a picture of Tunisia’s former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali during a Hamas rally in Gaza City to show support for the Tunisian people January 16, 2011.

Tunisia’s new leadership moved to form a coalition government to gain the upper hand over violent looters and quell arson and shooting that broke out after Ben Ali was ousted by protests


Palestinians hold Tunisian and Palestinian flags and a portrait of deposed Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali during a march in solidarity with Tunisia in Gaza City, Sunday, Jan. 16 , 2011.

Tunisia sped toward a new future after its iron-fisted leader fled, with an interim president sworn in and ordering the country’s first multiparty government to be formed. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)


A Palestinian stands next to a poster with a picture of Tunisia’s former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali during a Hamas rally in Gaza City to show support for the Tunisian people January 16, 2011.

Tunisia’s new leadership moved to form a coalition government to gain the upper hand over violent looters and quell arson and shooting that broke out after Ben Ali was ousted by protests


Palestinians step on a poster with a picture of Tunisia’s former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali during a Hamas rally in Gaza City to show support for the Tunisian people January 16, 2011.

Tunisia’s new leadership moved to form a coalition government to gain the upper hand over violent looters and quell arson and shooting that broke out after Ben Ali was ousted by protests


A Palestinian walks past a poster with a picture of Tunisia’s former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali before a Hamas rally in Gaza City to show support for the Tunisian people January 16, 2011.

Tunisia’s new leadership moved to form a coalition government to gain the upper hand over violent looters and quell arson and shooting that broke out after Ben Ali was ousted by protests


Palestinians hold posters during a Hamas rally in Gaza City to show support for the Tunisian people January 16, 2011.

Tunisia’s new leadership moved to form a coalition government to gain the upper hand over violent looters and quell arson and shooting that broke out after President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was ousted by protests. The poster (C) reads: “Oh, Arab leaders, beware of the revolution of the people”


Commentary by Chippy Dee, Photos © by Bud Korotzer

Close to a thousand people gathered under sunny skies on Broadway and 34th Street on Sunday to mark the 2nd anniversary of the Israeli massacre in Gaza where homes, hospitals, farms and schools were destroyed and over 1,400 people, including almost 500 children were murdered 2 years ago.  Under sunny skies speaker after speaker spoke of the tragedy, and the fact that Gaza is not being allowed to rebuild, that murders are continuing daily, that people are starving, that their organizations would continue to support the Palestinian people, and that support for the Palestinian people was growing rapidly throughout the world.  Many noted the complicity of the US government in the war crimes that took place in Gaza. One speaker told the crowd that an American boat, the Audacity of Hope, would be sailing in the next flotilla going in the spring and Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb announced that she would be on that boat attempting to break the siege of Gaza.

After the rally the activists marched to the Israeli Consulate carrying their signs and flags, both American and Palestinian, chanting, “When  people are occupied, resistance is justified”,  “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, and “Gaza, Gaza, don’t you cry.  Palestine will never die.”



The First Demo Victim of 2011 | Murdered by Israel ‘s Inhumane Occupation Forces | Jawahar Abu Rahmah [This page will be continuously updated about the events]

Photo from Friday’s protest in Bil’in. (Photo: Hamde Abu Rahme)

Jawahir Abu Rahmah, 36 year old woman from Bil’in

Published 01/01/2011 11:41

RAMALLAH (Ma’an) – A Palestinian woman died Saturday morning after suffering intense tear-gas inhalation during an anti-wall rally in Bil’in on Friday, medics said.

Palestinian medical sources in Ramallah said 36-year-old Jawahir Abu Rahmah, from Bil’in, died at Ramallah medical compound. Abu Rahmah inhaled large amounts of tear gas fired by Israeli forces who forcibly dispersed a non-violent rally protesting the separation wall.

The local popular committee said doctors fought through the night to save Abu Rahmah’s life. She was diagnosed as suffering from poisoning caused by the active ingredient in the tear-gas, and did not respond to treatment, the committee said in a statement.

“We are shocked and furious for Israel’s brutality, which once again cost the life of a peaceful demonstrator. Israel’s lethal and inhumane response to our struggle will not pass. In the dawn of a new decade, it is time for the world to ask Israel for accountability and to bring about an end to the occupation,” said committee member Mohammed Khatib.

Abu Rahmah’s brother Bassem was killed in April 2009 by a tear gas canister fired at his chest by an Israeli soldier during a village demonstration.

Friday’s rally was attended by Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Organizers said more than 1,000 demonstrators attended the final protest of the year calling for an end to Israel’s land confiscations.

Israeli forces met the protest with tear-gas canisters, hitting one teenager in the face and sending him to hospital. Military officials said they were unaware of injuries, and that around 250 participated in the protest.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said the area was declared a closed military zone in advance of the protest “in an effort to prevent an escalation of the violent and illegal riot” that the village hosts weekly.

Bil’in protester dies after inhaling tear gas.

بلعين توحد الفصائل الفلسطينية في ذكرى انطلاقة الثورة الفلسطينية السادسة والاربعين

في المسيرة المركزية لهدم الجدار بالرغم من الطوق الامني على القرية

وإصابة أربعة مواطنين بجروح واعتقال صحفية اسرائيلية والعشرات بالاختناق الشديد

بلعين- رام الله: اصيب اليوم اربعة مواطنين بجروح والعشرات بحالات الاختناق الشديد نتيجة استنشاقهم للغاز المسيل للدموع جراء المواجهات التي جرت في قرية بلعين إلى جانب نشطاء سلام ومتضامنين أجانب، واعتقال صحفية اسرائيلية ، في ذكرى انطلاق الثورة الفلسطينية السادسة والاربعين.

وشارك في المسيرة دولة رئيس الوزراء د. سلام فياض، والاخ جمال زقوت مستشار رئيس الوزراء، ولويزا مورجنتيني نائب رئيس البرلمان الاوروبي سابقا ، والاخ سلطان ابو العينين عضو اللجنة المركزية لحركة فتح ، وأعضاء المجلس التشريعي، الرفيق قيس ابو ليلى، والرفيقة خالدة جرار، ود. واصل ابو يوسف الامين العام لجبهة التحرير الفلسطينية، والرفيق رمزي رباح عضو المكتب السياسي للجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين، والرفيق هشام أبوريا عضو المكتب السياسي لجبهة التحرير الفلسطينية، واعضاء اللجنة المركزية للجبهة اليمقراطية، الرفيق ابراهيم ذويب، والرفيق احمد علي، والاخ احمد عساف الناطق الرسمي لحركة فتح، والاستاذ الدكتور حسن السلوادي عميد البحث العلمي في جامعة القدس المفتوحة، وعبدالمنعم وهدان مساعد مفوض التعبئة والتنظيم ، وحسن فرج مسؤول ملف الشبية في التعبئة والتنظيم ، وكوادر وعناصر حركة فتح، والجبهة الشعبية، وجبهة النضال الشعبي الفلسطيني، والجبهة الديمقراطية، وفدا، وجبهة التحرير الفلسطينية، وأهالي قرية بلعين ، إلى جانب العشرات من نشطاء سلام إسرائيليين ومتضامنين أجانب.

واقيم مهرجان خطابي تحدث فيه دولة رئيس الوزراء د. سلام فياض، والاخ سلطان ابو العينين عضو اللجنة المركزية لحركة فتح، ود. واصل ابو يوسف عضو اللجنة التنفيذية، والرفيق قيس ابو ليلى، والرفيقة خالدة جرار، ولويزة مورجنتيني وجميعهم اشادوا بالمقاومة الشعبية وتجربة بلعين في المقاومة الشعبية، واختيار بلعين لانطلاق فعاليات انطلاقة الثورة الفلسطينية كان لها مدلولاتها على اهمية المقاومة الشعبية السلمية ضد الاستيطان والجدار.

ورفع المشاركون في المسيرة ، الأعلام الفلسطينية، وأعلام الفصائل الفلسطينية، والشعارات المنددة بسياسة الاحتلال الاستيطانية، ويافطات تشيد بانطلاقة الثورة الفلسطينية.

وجاب المتظاهرون شوارع القرية وهم يرددون الهتافات الوطنية، الداعية إلى الوحدة ونبذ الخلافات، والمؤكدة على ضرورة التمسك بالثوابت الفلسطينية، ومقاومة الاحتلال وإطلاق سراح جميع الأسرى، والحرية لفلسطين وردّدوا هتافات تندّد بالعدوان على القدس ، وسياسة الابعاد والترحيل.

وتوجهت المسيرة نحو الجدار، حيث كانت قوة عسكرية ضخمة جدا من جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي بانتظار المسيرة، وقد عملت حاجز ووضعت اسلاك شائكة في الطريق، ووضعت اعداد كبيرة جدا من الجنود على طول مسار الجدار، وبالقرب من الحاجز عملت حاجز كبير من جنود الاحتلال مدججين بالذخيرة، وقبل وصول المتظاهرين من الحاجز، قام الجيش بإطلاق قنابل الصوت والرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط والقنابل الغازية نحوهم من جميع الاتجاهات، ورش الماء الكريهة الممزوجة برائحة الظربان، مما أدى إلى إصابة حماد عاصي (46 عام) بقنبلة غاز بالوجه نقل الى مجمع فلسطين الطبي في رام الله وحالته حرجة، وجواهر ابورحمة (37 عام) باختناق شديد نتيجة الغاز واغمي عليها ونقلت الى المشفى، وعلي صالح الخطيب (19 عام) بقنبلة غاز بالكتف، وسليمان خطاب(19عام) بقنبلة غاز بالصدر، والعشرات بحالات الاختناق الشديد، واعتقال سيلان دلال (23عام) صحفية اسرائيلية.

لمزيد من المعلومات مراجعة:

د. راتب أبو رحمة – المنسق الاعلامي للحملة الشعبية لمقاومة الجدار والاستيطان \ بلعين 0597117673



Video of the demo where she was killed:

Video of the demo where her brother Bassem Abu Rahmah was killed

Jawaher Abu Rahmah was the sister of Bil’in activist, Bassem Abu Rahmah, who was shot dead with a high velocity tear-gas projectile during a demonstration in the village on April 17th, 2009

The Funeral of Jawaher Abu Rahmah

Jawahar Abu Rahmah being laid to rest in bilin right now

Adeed abu rahmah leading calls in bil’in right now

Photos of Jawahar Abu Rahmah on posters throughout bilin

The funeral of Jawahar Abu Rahmah happening now in bilin

Funeral now in bilin

She is laid to rest next to her brother in bil’in

The grave of Jawahar Abu Rahmah in bilin


Video of the Funeral of Shaheeda Jawahar Abu Rahma

Created 2011-01-01 11:08 Jan 01, 2011

Jawaher Abu Rahmah, 36, was evacuated to the Ramallah hospital yesterday after inhaling massive amounts of tear-gas during the weekly protest in Bil’in, and died of poisoning this morning. Abu Rahmah was the sister of Bassem Abu Rahmah who was also killed during a peaceful protest in Bil’in on April 17th, 2010.

Doctors at the Ramallah hospital fought for Jawaher Abu Rahmah’s life all night at the Ramallah Hospital, but were unable to save her life. Abu Rahmah suffered from severe asphyxiation caused by tear-gas inhalation yesterday in Bil’in, and was evacuated to the Ramallah hospital unconscious. She was diagnosed as suffering from poisoning caused by the active ingredient in the tear-gas, and did not respond to treatment.

Jawaher Abu Rahmah was the sister of Bil’in activist, Bassem Abu Rahmah, who was shot dead with a high velocity tear-gas projectile during a demonstration in the village on April 17th, 2009.

Announcement of Demo in Tel Aviv

Demo to protest death of Bil’in’s Jawahar Abu Rahmah, 7.30 pm tonight in front of the Ministry of Defense (Kirya) in TLV.

Arrest in tel aviv in solidarity with bilin [About 8:35 PM Palestinian Time]

Police violence is starting tel aviv demo about the murder in bilin [About 8:24 PM Palestinian Time]

Photo of roadblock in tel aviv. It growing now [8:48 PM Palestinian Time]


Photo in tel aviv now [8:50 PM Palestinian Time]

Sitting in the road chanting ‘police state!’ In tel aviv

Still on the road in tel aviv. ‘This is what democracy looks like!’ [ About 9:22 PM Palestinian Time]

Israeli flag with blood on it in tel aviv protest. We block the road. [ About 9:33 PM Palestinian Time]

This is what we have left of israeli democracy. Right here

Photo of the bil’in victim with tel aviv in the background.




Live tweets from Ibnezra

For live tweets at the Demo in Tel Aviv follow @Ibnezra at Twitter or click here for an overview

Related news:

Palestinian woman dies after protest | Reuters

Palestinians condemn death of women in West Bank protest | Al Bawaba

Army investigating death of Bil’in protester

Palestine Solidarity Project: Israeli Forces Kill Female Demonstrator

A Grave Downhill |

PA blasts Israel over latest ‘war crime’ | Press TV

Palestinian Dies After Israelis Use Tear Gas | New York Times

السلطة الفلسطينية تعتبر استشهاد فلسطينية بالغاز المسيل للدموع “جريمة حرب اسرائيلية”

Report from Bil’in and meeting Jawaher Abu Rahmah | Mondoweiss

Bil’in protester dies after exposure to tear gas shot by IDF By Amira Hass and Anshel Pfeffer | Ha’ Aaretz

Palestinian tear gas death is ‘war crime’

Palestinians vow revenge following protestor’s death | Y-Net News Israel,7340,L-4007379,00.html

Protester Killed By Israeli Tear Gas in Bil’in | Joseph Dana

Israeli Forces Kill Female Protester in Bil’in | Popular Struggle Coordination Committee

YNet: Sister of Bilin victim dies in anti-fence protest,7340,L-4007326,00.html

Palestinian Protester Dies after Inhaling Tear Gas | Qatar News

Demos and deaths continue in Occupied Palestine | Desertpeace

Bil’in protester Jawaher Abu Rahmah, 36, dies of asphyxiation caused by tear gas inhalation |Mondoweiss

Palestinian anti-barrier protester dies of injuries

Palestinian anti-barrier protester dies of injuries | Monster # Critics

Palestinian demonstrator dies after choking on tear gas | Palestinian Information Center

Palestinian dies of Israeli tear gas |Press TV

Palestinian woman gassed at protest dies: hospital | Gulf News

The death of Jawaher Abu-Rahma | Ramallah Online

Palestinians say woman killed by tear gas in Bilin protest | Big News Network

Palestinians say woman killed by tear gas in Bilin protest

انّا للہ و انّا الیه راجعون

May Allah Subhana wa Ta’ ala grant the Shaheeda Jawahar Abu Rahmah Jannatul Firdaus, and ease it for her family, loved ones and anyone around her. Allahumma Ameen ya Rabbil Alameen. ‘ Inna Lillahi wa ‘ Inna ‘ Ilayhi Raj’ in, Allahu Akbar

Protest demonstration outside the Israel Embassy in London

“MrAlexSeymour | December 27, 2010

Protest demonstration outside the Israel Embassy in London to commemorate the second anniversary of Israel’s murderous attack on the civilian population of Gaza on 27/12/2008, a date, which like that of the attack on Pearl Harbour, will live in infamy and will be a bloody stain on the name of the Jewish People for ever.

YouTube – Gaza_massacre_by_IDF_2nd_anniversary.avi.

EU Groups Mark the Anniversary of the Israeli War on Gaza

28.12.10 – 12:45

Rome – PNN – Hundreds of people organized protests in a number of European cities this week marking the second anniversary of the Israeli war on Gaza.


EU Groups Protest Cast Lead of 2008

During the 22-days long offensive, which Israeli called Cast Lead operation, 1,500 Palestinians were killed and as many as 5,000 people were injured. The Israeli army launched attacks from sea, land, and air on December 27 2008 and stopped it on January 18 2009.

The assault was later condemned by a UN investigation, which found evidence that Israel had committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On Monday Peace campaigners and activists for Palestinian human rights gathered at the Israeli embassy in London. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has organized the vigil with a coalition of partners across the UK.

Sarah Colborne, PSC’s Director of Campaigns and Operations, said before the action : “The vigil will send a clear message to Israel that its barbarity in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead has not, and will not, be forgotten.

“Israel must be held to account for the crimes it has committed, and is continuing to commit, against the Palestinian people. Allowing Israel to act with impunity simply encourages further war crimes. In the interests of peace and justice for all, Israeli violations of international law must end.” Colborne added.


Palestinian Student Collation in Belgium

Meanwhile in Rome, Italy, scores of protesters marched holding banners demanding the Italian government to support the Palestinians nation in their struggle for legal rights.  Another simmlier protest was organized by the Palestinian Student Collation in Belgium.

Israel’s  siege of Gaza is now in its fourth year. Two years after Operation Cast Lead, the siege means that Gaza’s infrastructure – including schools, hospitals, factories and sewage systems – has still not been repaired and people are still living in the rubble of their homes destroyed by Israeli troops, or in makeshift tents.

PNN – Palestine News Network – EU Groups Mark the Anniversary of the Israeli War on Gaza.

Canadians protest Israel’s Gaza siege

PRESS TV | Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:21AM

File photo
Pro-Palestinian groups in Canada have staged a demonstration to mark the second anniversary of the Gaza war and protest Tel Aviv’s crippling siege of the coastal strip.

Scores of people gathered outside the Israeli consulate in the Canadian city of Toronto on Monday to commemorate the second anniversary of the Israeli carnage in the Gaza Strip.

On December 27, 2008, Israel launched a massive offensive against the densely populated coastal enclave, leaving more than 1,400 Palestinians dead and thousands more injured.

The protesters condemned the Israeli war crimes during the 22-day war and the killing of hundreds of children during the relentless bombardment of civilian positions and residential areas during the onslaught.

The demonstrators also called for an immediate end to the paralyzing blockade of the impoverished Gaza Strip, which is home to nearly 1.5 million Palestinians.

The Monday gathering was also meant to raise awareness of a Canadian aid boat which will set sail for the besieged enclave next spring.

During the past two years, several international groups have attempted to break the siege of Gaza by sea and by land.

On May 31, a Turkish-organized Freedom Flotilla was severely attacked by Israeli navy commandos in international waters.

The bloody takeover of the six-ship convoy left nine Turkish activists dead and injured more than 50 others onboard the civilian fleet.

While the naval closure of the Gaza Strip — tightened since 2007 — stands, the Free Gaza Movement in Canada has organized an aid boat to Gaza.

Set to sail in early 2011, the convoy has already collected USD 125,000 in donations, in the face of enormous efforts from pro-Zionist groups to block further funds for the aid mission.


Related Stories:

PressTV – Canadians protest Israel’s Gaza siege.

Britons protest Israel attack on Gaza

PRESS TV | Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:8PM

Hundreds of people have gathered in front of the Israeli embassy in London to mark second anniversary of Israel’s deadly assault on the Gaza Strip.

Protestors, including peace campaigners and activists for Palestinian human rights, called for an end to the blockade of Gaza and Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

On the same day in 2008, Israel began a land, air and sea attack for 22 days on the Gaza Strip, in which more than 1400 people were killed.

Israel used white phosphorus during the war, which resulted in horrific injuries.

After investigations, the UN found Israel guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“The vigil will send a clear message to Israel that its barbarity in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead has not, and will not, be forgotten,” Sarah Colborne, PSC’s Director of Campaigns and Operations, said.

“Israel must be held to account for the crimes it has committed, and is continuing to commit, against the Palestinian people. Allowing Israel to act with impunity simply encourages further war crimes. In the interests of peace and justice for all, Israeli violations of international law must end.”

After four years of Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza, schools, hospitals, factories and sewage systems still are not repaired and people are still in misery.


PressTV – Britons protest Israel attack on Gaza.

Vigil for Gaza, Dec 27, 2010 [London]